I've had an exciting visitor; can you spot her on my desk? One of the places we visited is a locally owned stamp shop called Guadalupe Rubber Stamps. You can visit them HERE. This is one of the places that Di from Pixie's Crafty Workshop and I visited on her trip to New Mexico a few years ago. What wonderful memories I have of Di and Len's visit.

As always, I will visit those that visit me (please leave your number) and those that end in the same number as me. It may not be until Friday that I'm able to do some serious visiting. Please be patient with me.
Hi Kay, your desk looks like a lot of fun and I'm interested in the New Mexico rubber stamp. Is it new? I would love to see what you do with it.
Have a great week.
Your blogging sister, Connie :)
So it's Flat Susan whispering in my ear on those shopping trips. Playing catch up and saying Thanks for the kinds words. #24 this week Wishing you a lovely week and fun visiting the WOYWW desks.
How nice to have a well traveled visitor to your desk! She has seen all sorts of craft desks!
Happy WOYWW!
peggy aplSEEDS@19
I have no idea who she is... but I'm glad you are having such fun with her :) Love her valise!
Oops forgot my number... it's 50 x
hi Kay looks like you had a fun shopping trip some great goodies there have fun using them crafty hugs Andrea #50
oh how lovely to see Flat Susan again, I'd totally lost track of her - and love the things she made you buy!! Helen 9
ah so now we know where Susan had trundled off to? and having fab crafty time with you Kay!! :D
.. happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #47
She's a bad influence that a Flat Susan but I suspect those things would have still 'fallen' into your shopping basket without her whispering in your ear.
Ann B
Looks like FS is up to her old tricks of persuasion :-) Enjoy playing with your new stash :-)
Annie x # 1
Well, I never expected to see FS this morning. Has she had her surgery? Any probs email me. So glad the suitcase is travelling well, it has certainly been to many places now.
Not sure I believe you that her accent is what is causing the spending spree but I do know she can be persuasive. Oh what tales she will have to tell.
Thanks for including her in the WOYWW posting.
Hugs, Neet xx 65
Looks like you have quite a bit going on. I didn't get to play this week but am just visiting desks. Happy WOYWW!
Hi Kay. You have lots to play with. I'd wondered what had happens to 'Flat Susan' how well travelled she is . Anne x @28
Nice goodies, MothGirl was my very first stampotique stamp, she's awesome.
Happy Wednesday
Minxy {was #6 now #23}
That girl sure gets around, lol!! And what a temptress at the craft store - I'm glad it's not just been me splashing the cash this week :-)
Hope you're keeping well, Kay,
Hugs, LLJ 8 xx
Super goodies bet you were glad you were whispered to. BJ#76
I know just what you mean about the temptation to buy more goodies! I hope you really enjoy playing with them, and that you have a great week. Chrysalis 53
well the good news is you didn't haul home the whole store from her whispering's :) looks like a fun bunch of new toys! Stacy #98
Yoohoo Kay tis me,
Long time no see as they say, but I'm here at last.
I often have a little voice telling me to buy things when I go shopping so maybe I have a Flat Susan but just haven't realised it until now ;D
Have fun with your visitor and enjoy WOYWW
Neesie #86
No problem with being patient with you, Kay. I can never get around everyone in one day - takes me most of the week. Have a great time with Flat Susan.
Margaret #22
How fun that flat Susan is with you! I love those Dylusions stencils..just bought a couple..getting addicted. Cx #49
Lucky YOU getting to host Flat Susan. How did you get so lucky? She sure classes up any desk, doesn't she? Hope she and you have fun together. Happy WOYWW from # 15.
I'm loving the new stencils, Kay. And you have a stampotique stamp?! Lucky you! Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G (just visiting no # this week)
Oh man... I want those stencils. I am a sucker for them right now.
Hi happy woyww to you! Thanks for sharing!
Kimmer #109 last, but not least, yet again... I think this is a record! LOL
And, btw..... I will send you my address so you can get those stencils right to me.... bwaahahaha!
Happy Belated WOYWW. How wonderful to see Flat Susan. She must have some great tales to tell. Those stamps are fab. Ali x. #61
Hi Kay, good to see Flat Susan is doing her bit for the craft industry, lol. We all need someone like her to blame! Have a great week, running around late this week, I lost Wednesday completely, lol. Hugs Shaz #55 xx
LOL! I wish I could blame my latest artsy purchases on Flat Susan, but I'm totally responsible for them. Happy WOYWW and Blessings!
My mother-in-law doesn't have an accent and she can talk me into buying anything! lol I can totally relate. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. April #41
What a cute stamp! And I spy some other tempting goodies too. Enjoy.
Guadalupe's looks like a fun place to visit! I'm jealous we only get big box places these days, no local cute stores. Hello to Flat Susan making the rounds. I'm glad you listened to her whispers, she's an excellent personal shopper!!!!
Oh, how happy FS looks amid your new goodies, Kay! I get her next, so she can use up all her enabling temptation wiles on you, please! I don't need any new goodies for a long while, lol!! I look forward to your post of all the fun you had! HAPPY WOYWW!! Hugs, Darnell #26
Enjoyed reading about your visit with Flat Susan and taking a trip around your blog. I pinned your recipe for the New Mexico style Sheppard's Pie and look forward to trying it later!
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