You may be asking - what is "The Creative Blog Hop?" It's the brainchild of a blogger some time ago. Unfortunately the person that started this can't be found. How it works: a blogger is tagged along with two others who then answer some questions about themselves then tag three other bloggers for the following week. There are no rules as to who you invite or what art the blogger you choose does.
About Me
I am a single gal living in northern New Mexico. I am blessed with living in a place that is both beautiful and inspiring.
I work full time but plan to retire soon (hopefully next year). I can't wait to be able to spend more time doing the things I love. What is that you ask? I've discovered photography in the past few years and have really enjoyed it. I also have dabbled in beading, cross-stitch, mixed media, rubber stamping and knitting. If you read Kim's TCBH post you discovered that I used to grab bars of soap and carve them into horse heads! I doodled before doodling and zentangling was cool!
I work full time but plan to retire soon (hopefully next year). I can't wait to be able to spend more time doing the things I love. What is that you ask? I've discovered photography in the past few years and have really enjoyed it. I also have dabbled in beading, cross-stitch, mixed media, rubber stamping and knitting. If you read Kim's TCBH post you discovered that I used to grab bars of soap and carve them into horse heads! I doodled before doodling and zentangling was cool!
Now down to the questions!
1) What am I working on now? I'm in a Craft Fair in November so I've been knitting up a storm. I make spa cloths (for those of you that have asked -- that's a fancy name for dishcloths/facecloths). I love using the seed stitch even though it slows my knitting down. I usually sell out of these every year!
Another thing that I'm currently working on is my photography. I've been looking through my photos, deciding which ones I'll make into cards. I might make some into canvases too.
2) How does my work differ from others in my genre? I think we all have one thing in common. We love and enjoy what we do. There is so much inspiration for us on blogs, the web and pinterest. One thing that might be different in my photography is that I don't manipulate my photos. The only thing I've done is turn some of my photos into black and white or sepia - just to see what they would look like. What I see through my lens is the final product.
Here's an example of a photo I took and made it into black and white. What do you think?
Here's an example of a photo I took and made it into black and white. What do you think?
3) Why do I create what I do? I love knitting in the evenings after a long day at work. The sound of the needles and the rhythm relaxes me. I enjoy taking photos because it gives me an appreciation of the every day things. It's amazing how I notice things now. The woodpeckers that come to my feeders, along with the titmouse and hummingbirds.
Now let me introduce you to the three people I've chosen to pass this honor onto:
Let me introduce you to Connie. She's a woman after my own heart. She has a way of creating great things out of recycled items. Please visit her blog Crafty Home Cottage.
Hello, my name is Connie, I sometimes think that I was born with a crayon in my hand . . . I have always loved art, but in my family there was no value put on it. You needed to be able to use your talents in ways to make a living, and art was only good for entertaining yourself. Well, I now know that is untrue, but as a child that was the message that I received. So, for years and years I entertained myself. The same goes for singing.
I got the courage to share my art with the world in my forties. I started by entering a couple of paintings in the county fair, to take home two blue ribbons. That was a thrill and the boost I needed to feel good about my art. Then at age 50 I had my first gallery show.
As for singing, I was always a shower singer, until I took a job as an Activity Director in an assisted living facility . . . these folks loved music and needed to have a song in their heart. So, I started singing in the halls, while pushing residents in their wheel chairs. A lot of the time they would start singing along and others that we past would start singing, too, it was wonderful. Now at age 69 I sing with a local group of musicians and I’m having a ball.
All that I can say is, the good Lord has blessed us all with talents and when we start to share them, we have the ability to make the world a happier place. Do not let anyone put you down, for what you love to do. If you love doing it, it is something you can become good at . . . Even make a living at, if you’re fortunate enough to believe in yourself and put a little work into it :)
I started blogging on January 6, 2012 and it has changed my life. I have met so many wonderful and talented people through blogging. It's like having Pen Pals but much, much better :) Now, I cannot even think of a reason that I would ever quit blogging. It is a beautiful space to meet other creative and like minded people. Ones like Kay here, I appreciate her so much. She has been following me since 2012 shortly after I started my blogging journey and through that time we have become friends and have shared so many adventures together. I have never met her in person, but I hold her in my heart and prayers. She's my sister . . . blogging has bonded us in a way of sharing your souls, the part of us that is creativity and fun, it is a marvelous sisterhood filled with lovely women (and a few men) from all over the world.
Next up is Robin from rasz art. Robin is a very sweet and talented woman. We have several things in common, New Mexico being one of them. She doesn't live here any longer but I know in my heart that we will meet someday.
First off, thank you Kay for inviting me to this blog hop. I am so excited to join in. Let's see, I am a happy 52 year old artist. I have three beautiful grown children. I have always been creative with a love for fabric and color. For years I sewed and beaded Native American pow wow regalia. By 2006, I was no longer able to bead and could only sew for a very short time because of pain from my neck and nerve pain that runs throughout my arms. I gave up on being creative and focused my energy on working. In 2010, my youngest graduated high school and I became an empty-nester. I had this tremendous urge to create but didn't know what I wanted to do or was able to do. I read the book "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron and started doing my daily morning pages. I was amazed at how this book opened me up and made me realize that my creative days were in front of me, not behind me.
I also read "Taking Flight" by Kelly Rae Roberts and found mixed media. I was hooked and realized that to create, some days it may only be a couple of hours spread throughout the day while standing, sitting and laying down...but I could create and that is now my passion. Doodles, flowers, dragonflies, faces, totes...pretty much whatever I feel like using.
My favorite medium is anything nearby, acrylics, watercolors, colored pencils, ink, markers, and the list goes on. I use to try and find my "niche" as an artist and what I have found is that my creativity comes out in all different ways and that it is okay.
I also read "Taking Flight" by Kelly Rae Roberts and found mixed media. I was hooked and realized that to create, some days it may only be a couple of hours spread throughout the day while standing, sitting and laying down...but I could create and that is now my passion. Doodles, flowers, dragonflies, faces, totes...pretty much whatever I feel like using.
My favorite medium is anything nearby, acrylics, watercolors, colored pencils, ink, markers, and the list goes on. I use to try and find my "niche" as an artist and what I have found is that my creativity comes out in all different ways and that it is okay.
Hi I'm Nikki C. I grew up in a small town outside Toronto only to move here when I got older and I could think of no where better to be. Our area has a small town feeling to it so it's wonderful for taking walks.
I started doing papercrafts when I made Christmas cards for everyone I worked with (Just a simple card with a sticker on them) and then I found out about stamps and all the wonderful tools when I googled it. It's been on going since then. I will say my cards are a lot more fancier since then lol.
I've been with the same amazing man for 23 years. He is into building and is very talented at what he does; he's an artist in his field and has taught me a lot about home construction.
I love all types of art and crafty things and do have more than just card making as my skills. I also paint and draw create digital stamps. I also create stain glass windows. I tried to make some lamps but lets just say its not my thing really. I'm all over the map when it comes to arts & crafts. I wouldn't change a thing about it seeing it's so much fun to try different things.
Thank you to Kay for nominating me for this amazing blog hop!!! Her and I share the same birthday and have become friends thanks to blogland and share a lot of the same interests too. She's a fantastic person!! Happy Hopping on this creative Hop.
I hope you all have enjoyed this post. It will be fun to follow the chain and see where it leads us!
I hope you all have enjoyed this post. It will be fun to follow the chain and see where it leads us!
Hey my beautiful friend! I cannot wait to join in the blog hop! I need to keep inspired and what is more inspiring than being amongst other creatives and making new friends!Now I need to go post, lol! Big hugs!
Kay this turned out wonderful thank you so much for inviting me on this creative hop big hugs Nikki
It's great getting to know even more about you. I'm with you on the photography...i the darkroom I would only adjust for contrast, and even now with digital, I really only correct for a color shift.
Oh, and I never got so far as tooling the saddle: I had the. Pattern, and some of the hardware, but my parents couldn't afford the horse (hmm, college...horse....) and the leather would have been expensive! I knew when to retreat.got a new flute instead! (Ok, some guilt trip as well LOL)
Thanks for joining TCBH!
I thoroughly enjoyed this, Kay, and everything you shared with us! You are so talented and so kind. Blogland is a better place because of you!! (As for that particular bird photo, I like the color one better. I love how the greens, especially the celery green makes the birds look navy blue!)
I agree with your wonderful choices for taggees, too! I already know Raz and Nikki and I will follow the hop to them next Monday. Now I'm off to meet Connie! Hugs, Darnell
Lovely to read about you Kay.
I have one of your photographs so can vouch for the quality of them - mine is in colour but I do love b lack and white - not quite sure which I would prefer - they both look so nice. Just enjoy!
I am in panic mode because I have to post my CBH on Monday and I only managed to find one other to do it. Wish I had known Nikki hadn't done it before you nabbed her.
Hugs, Neet xx
Hi Kay, lovely to find out all about you! And to finally know what spa cloths are!
Love your photos. The woodpecker especially, and the B&W one looks very retro
Thanks for your lovely comments, and feel free to adopt 'crapalanche' as your newest crafty term :-)
Debs x
I so enjoyed reading this post, Kay, and I'll hop off and visit your Creative Blog Hop nominees in a minute. I have also taken part, and it's great fun, isn't it! Nice to read about your creative journey.
Thanks for your visit and your lovely comment - I only think of it as clutter because all those pots of gel medium etc. do have a shelf they are supposed to live on but they never seem to get put away! This results in my work area being a bit more restricted than it's designed to be! As for the diet, like you, I cannot exercise which does make it more difficult but I'm not going to give up, despite the plateau. I am glad you liked my bereavement card - I have had such lovely feedback from my friend's husband, who loves it, which is a relief - it's always hard to know whether one has hit the right note with this sort of thing.
Very nice of you to visit despite not playing along with WOYWW this week!
Hi, I am visiting from Connie's blog. It is nice to meet you and to check out your blog.
Kathy M.
Kay, Enjoyed reading this post, and your pictures are just wonderful. Can't wait to see these on your cards or your art. I love the way you've captured the brilliant colors and also enjoyed the way you changed the color into a sepia tone. You definitely have some awesome photographic skills along with your other talents, and before you know it, the time will be here when you can indulge in all those things that you obviously love so much. Off to check on your taggees, since I'm a week behind on catching this interesting post. Hugs & TFS
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