Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Happy Wednesday!  What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday is the perfect way to celebrate the middle of the week.  Our hostess is Julia from Stamping Ground.  For those of you that haven't experienced this yet get ready.  Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and begin the blog hop.  Beware, you might get addicted!

A few weeks ago (my how time flies) I had some watercolor pencils out; they are the Derwent Watercolour set.  I thought of ordering the Inktense Pencils but didn't.  They might be my next purchase.  I'm happy with these but could use a bit more drama!  Now, really, who needs more drama???  ME!!!

I've been knitting up a storm.  I've knitted three cowls and some spa cloths.  Here's one of the cowls.  This one went to a very special friend.
This was knitted in the round.  The yarn is bamboo - so soft!
I hope everyone is having a great week.  Like always, I will visit those that visit me (please leave your number with your comment) and those that end in the same number as me.



Deb said...

I love the prismacolor pencils, they sound similar to inktense and give me plenty of drama!
love your cowels, I so need more time for knitting!
Debxx #3

Create With Joy said...

I love your pencils - but the cowls you knitted are gorgeous! Beautiful colors!

Create With Joy 2

Eliza said...

Kay your cowls are so lovely, if you have any spare LOL although we are heading into summer here is Australia, but by golly it does get cold in winter here.

Derwent are the best pencils, wise choice.

Thanks for visiting and i am so excited on getting number 1 LOL

Eliza & Yoda 1

Marianne said...

I love both the regular and the Inktense pencils. They each have their place in my world. But lately I have been using the inktense a lot.

And what is it about knitting that is so addicting? I can't put my needles down.

Helen Campbell said...

I have Derwent, and am also coveting the Inktense. My sister has them and they are indeed dramatic. BTW, your cowls look so warm and snuggy. Happy WOYWW! Helen #16

Connie said...

Wow! I had no idea that they made a yarn from bamboo. That is so interesting :)

Unknown said...

I really like the cowl. Can't wait to see what you create with the watercolor pencils. #17

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Love your cowl...I don't knit but I have made 3 scarves with crochet and posted several ideas on Pinterest for cowls, I love them. Nice and warm and our weather is turning more that way each day.

Have fun with the pencils, Enjoy your WOYWW visits and have a fun creative week. #18

Nikki said...

Love Cowls and yours are so warm and sweet looking ... everytime I go to by a sweater it has one lol and the watercolour and inktense are both amazing to work with.
Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki 33

Helen said...

I've been using the Inktense pencils on some of my Christmas cards, I can recommend them. Have a great week. Helen 7

Andrea said...

that cowl looks lovely i lov eteh muted tones of eh wool your friend will be over the was over the moon with it :-)..when do we get to see what you've been up to with the pencils ?...ive never used watercolour ones so dont know much about them ...look forward to that. hope you have a fab week crafty hugs Andrea #26

Julie Lee said...

I love the soft colours of the cowl! I bought a friend some bamboo socks last Christmas and they were heavenly - wish I'd got myself some too! Now watercolour pencils sound great and dramatic ones - well, I think I might need some kinds of drama too! I can just do without the 'moving house' kind! Julie Ann xx #43

Di said...

Yup, I can confirm that the cowl is absolutely beautiful and as soft as can be. Can't wait for colder weather to wear it :) Happy Wednesday Kay!

Hugs, Di xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Do you know, I've never knitted anything in the round though I do possess circular needles. I must give it a go some day! That cowl is all drapey and gorgeous, love the colours in it.
I too have the Inktense pencils but have done very little with them to my shame. That's something I intend to change in the New Year! My first resolution, blimey!!
Hugs, LLJ 58 xx

Anne said...

I have those same pencils Kay - though they don't get a lot of use. your knitted items are beautiful. I am trying to finish scarves for my grandsons , they requested them and want to know if they are finished!! No pressure. Have a good week. Anne x #63

Neet said...

Lovely knitting. I read your post as "knitting some spa clothes" Clothes not cloths and I wondered why you would need knitted garments for a spa! Doh, think I need to get back to bed.
Hugs, Neet 22 xx
ps I keep reading your comments on FS - glad you are looking forward to her visit.

Glenda said...

Thanks for sharing everything today. I'm so impressed with your knitting. That is one thing I never mastered. I crochet and knitting just feels backwards to me.

Carole said...

Hello Kay the cowls are wonderful...I'm surprised to see how soft it looks.
Carole # 72

sandysewin said...

Ooooo, that cowl looks so warm and cozy. I think I need to make myself a couple, I hate having cold neck.

I'm sure your friend will love it!

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the kind comments.

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #4

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I hereby bequeath all the drama to you since you love it so much. What's your phone number I'll be sure to pass it along to my mom. She'll be expecting you in Alamogordo for Thanksgiving dinner. It may be traditional or it may be something you're highly allergic to; she's known for both. It heightens the drama you know. Love the cowl, so pretty. I'm not a big fan of watercolors but I know you'll do great things with them. Judy Old No. 96

Julia Dunnit said...

Gorgeous gorgeous knitty cowls...bet the special friend was pleased a punch. As for drama, I'm so sorry that you've been having it..and I would take it off you in a jiffy - but I'm a bit of a drama queen see, so there's loads here too!!

Twiglet said...

Oh such a fab cowl. I love the colours. Pop over to my blog and join in my 500th post giveaway! x Jo #56

Annie said...

That cowl looks so warm, cosy and inviting.
A x # 41

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Me again! Have a look at
That's where I got the rib pattern from!
LLJ xx

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. I have a set of cheap pencils from W H Smith. They are fine, but I would love some Derwent. Ali x #55

fairy thoughts said...

great knitting, love bamboo yarns, they wash well too. Do you really knot towels to take to the Spa.... interesting
janet #38

VonnyK said...

I have Inktense but could only afford the 24 pack. If you can afford it I would suggest you get the bigger packs as there isn't a lot of colour in the 24, at least not for what I like to do.
Love your knitting so bright and made from bamboo, that's different.
Have a great week,
Von #25

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Thank you for dropping by my blog! I bought some inktense pencils but haven't gotten round to using them! You've reminded me about them. I so admire the knitting I see in WOYWW desks! Your projects are lovely!
Happy WOYWW!
peggy aplSEEDS@6

Robin said...

Hi Kay! Hope you are doing well. I didn't know you knitted TOO!!!! You are so creative. I love the cowl you knitted, just beautiful. Now I am excited to see what you are creating with the pencils...Big Hugs, Rasz #102 Oh could you let me know if you make fingerless gloves?

Craftychris said...

Your cowl is gorgeous! Love the colours. I am thinking about getting the Inktense pencils too! xx

BJ said...

Love the variegated yarn you have been knitting with. I've been using eco wool for sheep - LOL BJ#108

JoZart Designs said...

Those pencils are fabulous and are made only an hour away from my home in the beautiful English Lake District. I have a ring made from the ends of the Derwent pencils fused together, shaped and varnished. I love it and it gains so many comments. Check them out here.... http://www.zincwhite.co.uk/fashion-index.html
love your knits too but I thought it would be warm enough not to need them where you are!!
jo x

SandeeNC said...

Love the knitting, you are so talented! Your friend is very lucky!! Sorry I haven't been around lately, but have been way over loaded with art! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

Daniella said...

The fact that you knit is amazing to me!! All the pieces look awesome!!
I have those Derwent pencils. They are very good but I know what you mean. They aren't very dramatic.
OOOOooo! You have the "Whimsical" issue!! EEK! My artwork is the background for the table of contents and I have 2 pieces in there!!
Tell me what you think!! I can't wait!!

Neesie said...

I made it Kay...here at last! ;D
You are naughty though because now you've set my mind to thinking I need to get back to knitting. I haven't knitted for decades but I think it might be nice to snuggle down with some knitting in the coming winter months.
Your wool looks so soft and cosy ;D
I have the Derwent Intense pencils but there's no arty drama's going on here...just renovations drama unfortunately.
Have a wonderful weekend and Mufftypup sends her love too ^..^

Tracy said...

Hi Kay stopping by to say thank yoooou for the lovely comment you left me on the eP blog....Loving that quiche recipe and going to have a go..thanks for sharing!!
Tracy xxxx

Nan G said...

Oh that's so pretty! Bet it will come in handy this winter. A late WOYWW hugs! Nan G #20

Lindsay Weirich said...

Hi Kay, i was excited to see the inktense pencils, so you are considering them, Well, let me enabl..er, I mean tell you about them. I have the 72 set of regular derwent watercolor pencils and the Derwent inktense. It's like where the regular sets color spectrum ends the inktence picks up, they are like another octive on the keyboard if you get my drift and they work beautifully with the original derwents. You will love them;) the best perice I have seen was at Blick online, that is where I got mine. I am not sure if they ship out of the US though. Good luck and happy woyww!
Lindsay the frugalcrafter

Unknown said...

The cowl is fabulous! Love the colors. I've never heard of inktense pencils. I've been using PrismaColor when I do use pencils. Happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting last week!
Carol N #76

Belinda said...

Hi Kay! I don't know how to use colored pencils but really love seeing them. Perhaps one day I can give them a try.

Ok, that cowl you made is making me want to run out to my favorite yarn store so I can run my fingers through the deliciously soft skeins. I typically knit in the winter and last winter I didn't so I am afraid I will be a little rusty.

Thanks for sharing you beauties today. Have a blessed day!

Belinda (65)

Unknown said...

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