Tuesday, April 9, 2013

WOYWW 201 -- Holy Moly!

I love this day.  It's WOYWW time, hosted by Julia at Stamping Ground.  If you arrived here from her blog, welcome.   If you found your way here some other way please go over to Julia's to be introduced to WOYWW.  People from all over the world link up and show their desks and projects they are working on.  It's fun and addicting.
I finished my scarf.  It's so pretty and perfect for spring, even though we are getting snow today!  I got the pattern from pinterest and will share the pattern and original link with you on another post.

I cleaned up my table and haven't gotten it messy again so there isn't anything to see.
My little backyard at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday
I plan to visit those of you that leave a comment (please leave your number) and those that end in the same number as me.  As always, I appreciate your visits!!



  1. Your snow is so pretty,...but...you can keep it out there! I enjoyed our 81 temp today, sunny...porch sitting weather! Loved your scarf. I don't knit (barely crotchet a chain!), so I'm extra impressed with this soft & cuddly piece. Sure would keep your neck cozy while you have this white stuff about! Good luck with the condo too. Thanks for the pic of the white garden too! Hugs

  2. It must be hard waiting for Spring when your garden is covered with snow.

  3. Flippin heck MORE whit stuff! We had rain yesterday and that was a blessed relief I can tell you. Adore the scarf, colour and pattern, well done and thanks for visiting me today and back to bed for me now - LOL BJ#20

  4. Love the pretty scarf! The snow you can keep. We had a wonderful 85F today! Happy WOYWW! Nan #9

  5. I've had enough snow now...can we have Spring? You'll need that scarf though if this keeps up. Happy WOYWW. Pam#23

  6. Looks like you will need that scarf! #23

  7. Happy Wednesday, I hope you are having, or going to have, or have already had a great day (dependent on where exactly in the world you are!)
    Feeling chilly looking at your photo; you may need the scarf today!
    Neil #7

  8. Morning, Kay - I love your scarf, so pretty! Hope you get to wear it soon - the snow looks a little cold! Helen, 8

  9. Your scarf is amazing!!! Love the lacy look of it! You can keep the snow though. We finally got rid of all of ours, and have rain now instead. Is spring coming this year??? LOL!

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #32

  10. Oh Kay - I totally adore your scarf, beautiful result!

    My guess is that the snow is 'cos you're so high up over there? It's still very cold here and no sign of Spring :(

    Thank you so much for calling by earlier - Thailand is somewhere I think you'd also love. After New Mexico (of course), the colours are so vibrant.

    Take care my friend, we speak of you often.

    Hugs, Di xx (and of course, a 'ha' from Len)

  11. I love your scarf but am happy for you to keep all that cold white stuff....We have had too much of that this year.
    A x # 43

  12. No way are you getting ready for spring it is bloody snowing how horrible. Makes me feel cold and we had a beautiful Autumn day about 27 degrees here.

    Your scarfe is looking great the holes are not going to keep you warm. Maybe you need a thicker scarfe. LOL

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza 47

  13. I love snow... esp when its in someone else's garden lol.

    Hope you soon get the weather to use your lovely spring scarf.


  14. Love that snowy picture and the scarf is great to see now that it is finished. Well done you.
    Hugs, Neet 16 xx (see I put my number)

  15. Gorgeous scarf, love the colour x
    Happy WOYWW Heather #73

  16. Great that you got your scarf finished...looking good!!! Wow snow, that is hard to take when it is pushing 30c here in Australia! I hope that one day I get to see snow. Have a great week and Happy WOYWW.
    Janene #77

  17. That scarf is lovely - our weather is only slightly more springlike today but still a chilly East wind. x Jo

  18. Really had enough of the snow now!! Scarf is beautiful....and still the weather for it!!
    Happy WOYWW

  19. What a wonderful scarf! And wweeehhh... snow??? We still have cold temperatures here in the Netherlands but thank god - the snow melted! I wish you a sunny day! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland. Marit #82

  20. wow, that is a lot of snow for april but at least you have a pretty scarf! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #93

  21. Not more snow! Lovely scarf.
    Karen #74

  22. Your scarf is gorgeous, but not crazy about the snow! I live in Maine, and we keep getting snow too. I need spring!

    It's my first WOYWW, and it's so much fun visiting everyone and seeing what they are up to!

    Kathi #109

  23. Love the scarf and have to say it shows my geographical ignorance that i imagined New Mexico would be hot and sunny and not seeing snow!

    Ive learnt something today.

    Gill x #118

  24. Gorgeous scarf, love the colour. Do not envy you that snow, I've had enough of it now. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz#127 xx

  25. That scarf is stunning! What, more snow? We have finally got rid of ours...even the piles are giving out. Hope you get some sun soon. Thanks for sharing. Caro #53

  26. Nah, don't like snow - but I do like your scarf it's a lovely colour. Hope you are having a good Wednesday, Cindy #63

  27. Such a pretty Scraf love the colour and the pattern in it. Yep we are suppose to get more snow tommorrow but it won't last long I hope hugs Nikki #2

  28. Hi Kay
    love the colour and pattern of the scarf. So amazing that you still have snow, is that usual. Spring is very late arriving over here too. Keep warm and have a great week
    janet #25

  29. omg, you're still getting snow? I have my shoes off, windows open and the birds are singing up a storm! You really do need to move over here! Not playing in WOYWW today but wanted to stop in and check in on my favorites ( sssshhh, don't tell anyone ) lol waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  30. Beautiful scarf...luscious color. Love the idea of visiting folks that end in the same number as you. If you don't mind I think I'll do that as well!! I have finally had my fill of snow, just this morning. I think the fact that it is all of 15 degrees out may have something to do with that. May spring come soon to you...and if not, well you have the vibrant scarf to keep you warm.
    Sara j #41 - thanks for visiting

  31. Snow..... Had to pop back to start to see I had the right post it's been warm and sunny here in the Fens today ..... Love the scarf lovely colour
    Jackie 3

  32. What the flip is the deal with this crazy weather?! Your scarf, on the other hand, is nothing but beautiful. Well done, Kay!! (It's fun how so many of us are showing things other than our clean desks!) Have a great week and I hope you have warm weather soon! Darnell #47

  33. love the scarf! I will be looking forward to how you made it. We got hit with freezing rain and hail last night. We had been in the 70's now it is pushing mid 30's...spring has disappeared! Sorry I have been absent the past couple weeks but life has taken its toll and sometimes you just have to give in to it and go with the flow! Thanks for sharing and have a great week! Vickie #58

  34. oh no, go away snow! we were having bbq's by now, its sunny here but cold!! Have a great crafty Week!! HaPPy WoYwW!

    ((Lyn)) #24

  35. Hi Kay, your scarf is lovely - the colour makes it look even more warm and cosy. And you need it too - all that snow. Here in my wee corner of Scotland we don't have snow but it is absolutely freezing - I'm wearing thermals and the heating is on night and day in an attempt to stay warm! It's been so bad at times the craft space has been a tad too chilly to play in - one reason why my workdesk is so tidy. Thanks for visiting earlier. Have a wonderful week crafting, Elizabeth x #41

  36. Lovely scarf! I am trying to visit everyone! jenx 129

  37. WOW! Beautiful scenery all covered with that mystical white goodness. Enjoy! Spring has "sprang" all over my allergies here. ugh! ;) Happy Wednesday! SueC#98

  38. Brilliant scarf! I think we may have finally seen the last of our snow - well, actually didn't have much around here but saw loads last week on the way back home from up north! Chris122

  39. Kay, that scarf is so pretty--perfect for spring. The snow is pretty, too, but seriously, I've had enough of the white stuff for this season!

    (The stamp is carved in a printmaking block, it's very soft, compared to linoleum or wooden blocks, and easy to use.)

    Thank you for stopping by this woyww!
    #142 this week with
    a hand carved stamp

  40. What a lovely scraf, I love the beautiful color. Luckily in Dallas, it was about 70s degree but I love snow, too. ^_^

  41. That's a pretty scarf. Kay! I love knitting them but rarely wear them....Julai , on the other hand, is never without a pretty scarf and always looks amazing!
    Sprin might be peeking around the corner in the UK at the moment...fingers crossed!
    Hugs, LLJ 35 xxxx

  42. Good-morning Kay...Thanks for visiting my blog/ desk...it is not alwaysd so neat...just managed to clear the clutter in preparatoon for new projects! LOL ..

    Love the scarf! That is one of my favorite colors!!!

    DEbbie @ DayLee's Creative Doodling ( #136)_

  43. Your scarf is beautiful, Kay! Just perfect for the spring months!

  44. Oooh your scarf is fab! I am envious - I suck at fabric crafts! :lol:

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my WOYWW post. :)

    Ali #80

  45. Thank you for visiting. :) SueC#98

  46. Love your beautiful scarf! Will be back to see the pattern later! Have a great WOYWW! Karen 72 x

  47. Hullo yup Kay am very very late!!

    .... but hey takes all week to do woyww doesn't it???

    .. love the snowy pickie, and well your scarf!!??
    ... it is lovely and yes the bigger needle s from latter post should do the trick!!

    ... but sometimes is nice to have a denser scarf as it is warmer!!

    ... thanks so much for popping over, Gos bless your troubled land and you, Shaz in Oz.x

  48. Happy WOYWW Kay!!!Your scarves are lovely!


Everyone needs a touch of whimsy! Thanks for stopping by and I LOVE comments!! I'll try to also pay you a visit!
